The Invitation – A Poem

The Invitation


The boundaries are gone.

A house with no walls

Surely can’t confine me.

You are near

Yet seem so far from me.

I am frozen in place.

I yearn for you

Yet I don’t even know

That it is you I seek.

I am imprisoned

By my own blindness

And as I grow weary and afraid

I cry out!

Before my words are formed

On my lips,

You hear my heart’s cry

And you are already here

Holding me close. 

“My child, I’ve been waiting for you”

You softly whisper

As my soul takes wing

And you replace my broken heart

With your own.

 By Martha L Shaw  – copyright 8-5-12

2 Responses to The Invitation – A Poem

  1. Such a beautiful psalm/poem of praise!
