Urgent! If You Love A Child, Read This!


My hands are still shaking as I write this to you.  I just ran an errand to the nearby grocery store for milk and shampoo.  Something we all do a couple times a week . . .  grab milk, bread . . . as I drove down the two-way main parkway in my subdivision, which has no sidewalks and is a family neighborhood, a two-year old girl wearing only a diaper and a pair of men’s flip-flops walked up to my moving car saying “Daddy?”

I could only think of the cars driving on the road that very moment and how hard it was to see a tiny baby in bright sunshine and during rush hour.  She couldn’t tell me her name, age, or point to her house.  I left my car in the middle of the road literally and tried to appear calm as I took her hand.   I resisted the urge to pick her up fearing she’d be scared or her (surely nearby) family would think I was taking the child.  As I knocked on door after door, either nobody answered or the folks didn’t know her. 

One neighbor grabbed his phone and called the authorities as we kept the child safe in his front yard.  Before the police came the family finally found us.  They lived around the corner and everyone thought everyone else was with the baby, but one went to toss the laundry into the dryer, one was doing homework, one was preparing to head to work, and the child was far from the house very quickly.  Two year olds slip away so easily.  They showed no signs of being neglectful parents and siblings, they simply turned away for just a moment.  The instant I led her out of the street a car came zooming down the street just where she stood. 

The timing of my being in that spot at that time was all the Lord’s doing.  This was not the way I planned my day.  Again, her family were known to others in the neighborhood who came out wondering what was going on.  They are just like you and me.  They are good people.  A tragedy could have happened if the Lord had not intervened. 

None of us want to be overprotective or nagging with the ones we care for, but PLEASE I beg of you, take this to heart.  I would never have thought it could happen near my house, my neighborhood . . .  it can happen anywhere.  Thanks be to God for His giving me His eyes and for His protection for this baby.  I am still stunned. 


12 Responses to Urgent! If You Love A Child, Read This!

  1. robind333 says:

    Wow! How wonderfully gracious the lord is!! He used you to help this family before tradegy struck…Praise be to God! And thank you for being a loving individual. Many, many blessings to you..Robin


    • Robin I am in tears still and shaking. His love is amazing. His timing, His heart, His eyes giving me vision to see . . . she was so tiny and standing in the middle of the two way road where it was so hard to see her. Thanks.


      • robind333 says:

        I can’t imagine what went through your mind when you saw her. But praise God for he allowed you to bring her to safety!!!! Many, many blessings to you…Robin


      • The baby was not big enough for me to see her and usually when I am alone in the car I crank the radio on HIS radio which plays contemporary Chrstian music. Something prevented me from tuning in today. I suddenly heard a tiny voice saying “Daddy?” over and over. I stopped the car and looked for the source of the voice. If I had I’d never have heard er. The Lord’s hand was on mine.


  2. Caddo Veil says:

    So thankful God placed you where He did, to be His hands. God bless you.


    • I am still shaking. Caddy, it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I had things to do and needed to get the errands done but found myself writing a blog post and getting into my writing. I was much later getting out than ZI planned and the timing of everything was far from what I had planned. Nothing went according to my plan. It was all HIS plan. There was an oncoming car that was going fast. I saw her just in time. I saw her. He put me there. He saved her . . .


  3. John Ettling says:

    Good work, Martha!


  4. bless your heart for reporting for duty! I shake and tremble just thinking of you and that little girl. Praise the Lord!


    • Thanks. I am so thankful that my plans got messed up. His timing. I’ve been wrestling with fear over timing of some scary challenges in my life right now, but just goes to once again remind me His timing is perfect.


    • Sister, I am still shaking. We have chatted about His timing. My provision worries especially NOW but today’s near crisis with this baby placed in my hands . . . remind me His timing is perfect if you find me weakening . . .
