I Am A Christmas Cactus . . .

Are you?

All was bright in life for a time, fragrant, and fresh.  Oh, how lovely it was to have those who gazed in my direction say “ahhhhh!”  Then, things in life began to droop.  My petals  . . .  where have they gone?  At least my leaves are still . . . oh, no!  Not my leaves as well?

How odd!   Wow, it’s dark . . . day and night are all the same.  What is to become of me?  Hmmm . . . A new season is coming, someone said . . . I wonder . . .

Hey, something within me is feeling different, new!  Maybe it IS a new season approaching . . . it is said that a period of darkness leads to a time when I will bloom anew!  It simply takes the Master Gardener’s touch . . .


by Martha L Shaw – Copyright 10-15-2012

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