My “REALITY Award”

Wow, a “Reality Award” for me?

What an honor.  I previously announced this but didn’t have an opportunity to complete the “acceptance” in the way I wanted to, so here goes.  First I’d like to once again thank “My Blog” and our dear friend “loopy” for this delightful gift.

As her own post about this indicated, there are no rules, but I’m going to follow suit to some degree with her own acceptance.  I may also, given the fact of no rules, honor some with a nomination who do not usually participate in the awards due to time constraints.  If that is your situation, simply snag a copy of the award and display it on your blog.  I may also give a few now and give some later . . . since there are no rules.  So difficult to pick just a few of you since I love you all!  There were some questions she was asked to answer and I will answer the same ones myself:

  1. If you could change something what would you change?

Well, I have to admit that aside from a smaller waistline, it would probably be to have said “yes” to a personal relationship with Jesus much earlier in my life.

  1. If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?

If I can’t go back being wiser than I was the first time around, I’d rather stay put, thanks just the same.

  1. What one thing really scares you?

 My problem with my eyesight/fear of going blind.

  1. What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it.

I dream of writing a book (several actually) and having it published by an established publishing house (as opposed to self-published) and I believe it will take place . . . if it is God’s will, He will lead me.

  1. If you could be someone else for the day, who would you be?

Mary, mother of Jesus while she carried our precious Lord inside her in human form.  Wow, you know? 


Now, my nominees for today:


  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. 7.
  8. 8.
  9. 9.
  10. 10.

2 Responses to My “REALITY Award”

  1. Thank you dear sister for the nomination, and congratualtions to you again, and i am quite sure you will receive many more because of what you share. You are always a blessing to me…and i want to also congratulate the other nominees and I will visit them also. Much love to you Martha…thanks again!
