Daily Post Prompt Challenge – Connect The Dots – “Be Cured!”

Ah, challenges!  We all face them.  I can’t speak for you, but I often face them reluctantly.  Not always.  For example, this Daily Post Prompt Challenge is a challenge I both enjoy and strongly recommend your participation in.  On the other hand, when nearly 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with an incurable eye disease, that was a challenge I feared.  You see, I had just moved 900 miles from all that was familiar to begin a new life in a new state which in my heart is “God’s Country” for sure, just as your favorite destination likely is for you!

Reaching this point in my life was exciting for me.  It was a true gift from God that I arrived when I did and landed where I did.  Oh, the stories I will tell in other posts . . .  but just months after my arrival as I anxiously seeked a full-time job, and did all the other settling in things, the added weight of facing a somewhat treatable but incurable eye disease?  Ouch.  My vision became weak and thus a costly trip to a retinologist without a job or health insurance led to a worrisome problem for economic reasons as well as for health reasons and finding constant treatments required made it more  challenging still.

I am at this time without employment and have had only temporary positions of employment since the move but my faith was never shaken since the Lord in his infinite love has made it clear that He is in control and has a plan.  My eyesight has improved greatly since my initial diagnosis, but has still been quite weak.  However, two weeks ago, something remarkable happened.  God’s will and His timing is perfect.  I can’t say I always understand it right away, I have felt in my soul that I am at a point in my life where the spiritual season is about to change.  I have wondered how, with sight still weak, this will work out.

Two weeks ago, one of my priests at church prayed for me for healing and other needs.  It became immediately apparent that some healing had taken place.  My pain and my strength of vision are both improved.  My sight is much improved and seems to grow stronger by the day.  My constant eye pain is gone completely.  Many people believe that the miracles Jesus performed when He walked this earth are still happening today, but sadly many I have met do not agree.  Well, my friends, I am living proof that in His way and in His time, He still heals today.  It is just as though He was still here today in human form touching us with His human hand and saying, as He’s so often been quoted in the Bible “Be cured!”


Regarding this specific challenge:  we were asked to turn to page 82 of the book nearest to us and to find the third complete sentence on the page and to incorporate it into a post.  I was just given a book as a gift.  The book, one I highly recommend, is called “Healing” by author Francis McNutt.   The story I just related is true as you may know in part from other posts I’ve shared.  What was the third sentence?  “Be Cured!”  I believe He wanted me to relate this story as I’ve just now done for a purpose and thus had me just now find the email which led to this post and that it is no coincidence that McNutt’s book was near.  Praise Him with me, won’t you?

13 Responses to Daily Post Prompt Challenge – Connect The Dots – “Be Cured!”

  1. Reblogged this on My Soul Dances Devotionals and commented:

    If you have been following the challenges in my life through blog posts and also the presence of the Lord, this Daily Post Prompt and the book sitting on my desk with me will not surprise you.


  2. Hi – how did you manage to post this to postaday after it said the comments were closed? I can’t post mine. Thanks for the advice!


    • I linked the blog and specific blog post of the “challenge” blog within my post. I assume the “pingback” made things happen the way they did, since otherwise it was just a regular post. I can’t think of any way locked comments would stop a post and I know when we link another blog in our posts, the other blogger is notified. Hope this helps. Ask again if I’ve misunderstood.


  3. Debbie says:

    What a beautiful and amazing testimony! I love how He worked out the challenge part too! God bless you, Martha, and continue to work wonders in your life!


    • Thank you! I have a hot lead on a potential great employer/job at the same time as the healing . . . with a left eye that’s legally blind since birth, having weak right eye . . . be interesting to see what else Jesus is up to in me. All I have to say is, “yes Lord.”


  4. Oh – never mind! I figured it out. Thanks – fun challenge, wasn’t it? Yours is great! I’m a fan of Francis McNutt, too. Blessings on your recovery.


    • Thank you! I see my retinologist this coming week. My eye isn’t perfect, but I’m not either. Jesus will enable me for His purpose! A friend who didn’t know I was looking for the McNutt book in second hand stores pointed me to a shelf of books he didn’t want and I was so excited to find it!!! Love this challenge!


  5. cshowers says:

    What a beautiful, wonderful post and testimony to the glory of God! Thank you so much for sharing, and I pray in the name of Jesus that He continues to heal both of your eyes daily, so that all will see and know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And just as He healed in both the Old and New Testament, He still heals today! Many blessings to you.



    • Thank you! He is AMAZING! Instead of Black Friday shopping, I did some housework and curled up with a book about Him and had a good reading and cuddling with Jesus afternoon. Been a long time since I could!


  6. […] Daily Post Prompt Challenge – Connect The Dots – “Be Cured!” (inlovewiththelord.wordpress.com) […]


  7. Caddo Veil says:

    Oh Martha–what a fabulous testimony post–I love it, and am praising Him anew!!


  8. […] Daily Post Prompt Challenge – Connect The Dots – “Be Cured!” (inlovewiththelord.wordpress.com) […]
