Daily Prompt – High Noon

Yesterday, we were told  “At noon today, take a pause in what you’re doing or thinking about. Make a note of it, and write a post about it later.”   Click the link and join along if you like.  

Digital Camera

So, at High Noon yesterday, a dear friend and spiritual brother had come to spend Christmas at my home and other dear friends were to join in the late afternoon for the late meal and evening with us.  John and I were busy in the kitchen preparing a light meal to tide us over until the feast we all contributed toward preparing for the late day meal.  At noon, we’d accomplished all we needed, brewed a fresh pot of coffee and enjoy a cup with a shot of Frangelico to toast in the sacred day, the birth of Christ in a manger long ago and His rebirth in our hearts ALWAYS.

We spoke of joyful memories and faith-filled hopes of joys yet to come.  There were to be potatoes to peel and mash and other last-minute preparations, but in the midst of it all, we were able and eager to pause, reflect, and feel the joy.  Something we should do each day and not just on December 25th, don’t you agree?

8 Responses to Daily Prompt – High Noon

  1. Caddo Veil says:

    I DO agree! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!
