Which Rock Rules Your Life?

I just heard on the news that my birthstone, the garnet, is said to bring me luck and prosperity.  I don’t own one.  I briefly thought I wish I could afford to shop.  Life hurts just now, figuratively and literally, and luck and prosperity initially sounded great.  But what is luck?  Do I want it?  What is prosperity?  Could it be that I already have it?


So, these pretty baubles . . . are they life changing?  Are these images of my rock?  Yesterday as I sat eating lunch and found the difficulties of my day weighing on me, I found myself meditating on the name of Jesus.  Unconsciously, I gazed out the window.  What I saw brought tears to my eyes and while it didn’t change the weight of challenges I faced, it did at the same time lighten my load.  Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it?  It’s not.  What I saw in the bushes outside my window was a vision of Jesus kneeling and praying and He spoke to my heart that He prayed for me.  He is my rock.  My load was still heavy, but I was reminded once again that I did not hold it alone.  No ring on my finger could do that.

Jesus kneeling

He said:“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;

2 Samuel 22:1-3

4 Responses to Which Rock Rules Your Life?

  1. Little Sonshine Girl says:

    Thank you!


  2. theywhoseek says:

    Jesus is our rock, He is, sure, steadfast and, always there for us. May He continue to be your ROCK! ~ God Bless ~
