Because We Draw Breath


Revelations In Writing

Great are the blessings,

granted by the Lord.

Unto the righteous,

He’s shield and our sword.

Because I have breath,

my lips will sing praise.

I shall seek and find

Him all of my days.

May my hope in Him,

grant courage to those,

burdened by trials;

caught up in life’s throes.

Search in the scary.

Come to Him with fears.

Mighty Strong Tower,

the Catcher of tears.

In times of trouble,

no need to look far.

In our very hearts,

is right where You are.

Your angels surround,

protect as we pray;

so taste His goodness,

run to Him today!

(Psalm 34:1-8)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that because we draw breath, we have reason to give You praise.  Thank You that Your blessings of faithfulness are promised to those who actively seek You.  Forgive us for feeling stuck, rather than actively seeking You.  Help us to relentlessly pursue…

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4 Responses to Because We Draw Breath