Abide in Him… in prayer, in thanksgiving, in peace… together, keeping the faith.


6 Responses to Abide in Him… in prayer, in thanksgiving, in peace… together, keeping the faith.

  1. TeachX3 says:

    Glory to God! Thanks for reblogging dear sister… God bless you in Christ! 😀


    • You are so welcome! He blessed me greatly in this post. The blessing HAS to be shared!


      • TeachX3 says:

        AMEN! How He knows each of our hearts, just knocks me for a loop every time!! HE IS SO GOOD…


      • He is leading me in some ways which make no sense in this world’s mindset and which draw frowns on the faces of many close to me, yet I cannot be shaken off the path. It seems so clearly Him. He will provide. He knows our hearts and we know His voice. He amazes me, always! Wpw!


  2. what choice scripture verses!
