I have a friend who wakes up all aglow and usually singing.  My late Mom often woke up singing church hymns.  Me?  Clear the way!  I need my coffee, shower, and quiet-time!  Yes,  I sometimes awaken in song, but not too often.  Not today.


How we feel does not need to rule the day.  Hope is within us

freedom thoughts

.  Pray with me . . .


I give my all to you and

ask that you enable me

to reflect your joy and hope

on this day and always. Amen


In you, Lord my God,

    I put my trust.

Psalm 25:1

14 Responses to THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

  1. John Miller says:

    Amen, Martha.

    Our days shouldn’t be ruled by our feelings! Emotions are gifts from God but they’re not to be put in front leading. We’ve got such better guides than fear, happiness, anger, sadness and disgust.

    I’ve always thought that we could train our responses to emotions. While we can’t always help feel a tinge of anger rise up during an fight, we can become masters at keeping our mouths quiet, breathing slowly, and focusing on communicating peacefully. What do you think?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am the same way in the morning . . . Get me past that, and I’m good to go and rejoice in the day. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Amen. Our emotions do not need to rule our day. It is hard but we are empowered to walk in the Spirit.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A Touch

    Wake up in smiles
    Because you are alive
    As God permits you
    To see another day

    And welcome the sun
    Into your life
    As it brings a special
    Peace that stays

    Greet all that you meet
    With a pleasant hello
    And you will find that
    Today you are blessed

    As you see each one
    That you did meet
    Become alive with the
    Touch of God’s eternal


    Have a beautiful Sunday
    my dear sister…all is well!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a beautiful reminder to put our hope on Christ, the solid rock. I found you through the Daddy Blitz. We would love to invite you to linkup your posts with us at the Literacy Musing Mondays Linkup each week

    Liked by 1 person

    • GREAT to meet you and thank you so much! I am new to your blog through them as well. At the moment, I do not yet know what you mean by linking up, but once I learn how, I would be honored!


  6. […] Source: THE CHOICE IS YOURS! […]

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  7. Roos Ruse says:

    Even with astounding time restraints today, I’m delighted I made the time to pop over early – on my mobile device, so I had to wait to return to my desk to comment. Of course this would be the post God wanted me to see first thing. Your images are stunning. I’m very glad to meet you, Martha.
