Quote of the Day – Light Still Shines

December 22, 2012
Love this quote.   Makes me think of a tiny babe born in a cave/manger . . . a light shining in us and through us still . . .
 How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.  – William Shakespeare –


The Beacon

November 7, 2012


Oh wounded soul,

What answers lie within

Which in my blindness

I refuse to see?

Let my weakness

Be Your strength

And bring sight

To these eyes of mine

That I may know,

May love,

May truly follow,

And may be a beacon

For others,

Leading them to Thee.

By Martha L Shaw – Copyright 11-7-2012



One Flickering Flame Becomes a Community

January 20, 2012



One Flickering Flame

by Martha L Shaw


Are you afraid?

Do you dare try . . .

You cannot overcome it,

or maybe . . .

One small candle lit

and held in shaking hands.

The light has come

but eyes squint to see it

and the flame flickers.

Suddenly, another candle

its wick still pure white

becomes enflamed.

Then another

and another still

and soon the warmth

touches hearts and souls

and the world is ablaze

with glory!




© 2012 Martha L Shaw – all rights reserved