Helen Keller Saw So Clearly

I was just sharing an opportunity the Lord gave me in an excited text message to a friend.  In the text conversation I then added “if only I could keep doing this” since I can’t see how this can be . . . I got tripped up by the “but I  can’t without” and “but if only I had some” and then I saw this quote from Helen Keller:

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

– Helen Keller –

Helen Keller saw clearly what I failed to focus on.  Notice she didn’t say “together you can do so much.”  She didn’t let the “something missing” from her life leave her sitting on the bench.  I won’t either.  I’m reminded of a prayer I said recently in which I cried out “but, Lord, what if I am not able to . . . ” and do you know what He said to me?  He said “I Am.” 



4 Responses to Helen Keller Saw So Clearly

  1. Caddo Veil says:

    Oh mercy, this is a good word–thank you, thank you for sharing!!


  2. The quote lifted me from a bit of “what am I gonna do” and knocked me back on His path. I’m glad it touched you too.


  3. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    WOW! Yes, HE IS…so much bigger than what we think we can’t do. 🙂
