
June 30, 2015

Soar like the eagles!

Ultimate meaning of love.

Beautiful freedom!

By Martha L Shaw – ©  6–29-2015

freedom thoughts

Spread the Word

June 29, 2015

How truly sad it is to realize

that for generations we have fought and fought and fought

for all the wrong things

when all that is truly worth dying for

has always been freely given.

By Martha L Shaw – ©  6–29-2015


Breath of Heaven

June 29, 2015


Poet's Corner

Breath of Heaven

Breath of Heaven

Great Light in the Dark

Reaching for the emptiness within

Whispering Mystery where All Life Begins

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June 26, 2015

A wee one picked a pretty flower

and gave it to her Mom.

Everyone around her smiled with joy.

She grew older and was taught

a dandelion was “just a weed”

but did the flower really change

when the eyes of her heart

were closed?

She grew up

and made them into

such delicious wine!

How eye opening!

By Martha L Shaw – ©  6–26-2015


Branch Out!

June 23, 2015

If a tree were to resist

shedding her colorful autumn leaves,

when would come spring?

When would come summer?

If we resist change

we cannot question why

we do not grow.

Do not choose death – choose life!

By Martha L Shaw – ©  6–23-2015 Words and Image

tree resized

I Did NOT!

June 22, 2015

I have a friend who wakes up all aglow and usually singing.  My late Mom often woke up singing church hymns.  Me?  Clear the way!  I need my coffee, shower, and quiet-time!  Yes,  I sometimes awaken in song, but not too often.  Not today.


How we feel does not need to rule the day.  Hope is within us

freedom thoughts

.  Pray with me . . .


I give my all to you and

ask that you enable me

to reflect your joy and hope

on this day and always. Amen


In you, Lord my God,

    I put my trust.

Psalm 25:1

A Father’s Day 6 Word Saturday!

June 20, 2015

First glimpse into God’s  eyes?  Daddy!

The Ballad of Unity

June 18, 2015

Dedicated to Mother Emanual A.M.E. Church

Charleston SC

When I stand alone

I cannot hear the music

but when instead I hold your hand

the lyrical voices of freedom, hope, love and peace

make my heart soar!

By Martha L Shaw – ©  6–18-2015 Words and Image


White man fatally shoots 9 in historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina – Washington Times

June 18, 2015

I live in Charleston and ask as well for unity and peace and for the shooter to be found. Pray for the responders and those who minister to the many hurting in this tragedy!

Encounters Report

June 17, 2015

Another Red Letter Day

Encounters With JesusHi all,

I wanted to take a couple minutes and say thank you to all my blog friends who have been so supportive with my new endeavor as an author and to give you an update on my progress. I’m learning first hand that which I have heard over and over again. Once you publish a book, the work on your project has just begun. It probably more true (are there levels of truth?) for self published authors, because if anyone is going to promote your book, it’s going to be you.

As to progress–well–there is progress, slow but steady. Since I self-published this volume, if I want it on book store shelves, I have to go to private books stores, and negotiate with each store owner personally. I have managed to get into a couple brick and mortar stores here in northern New Jersey. I am working on putting together a…

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