Love Defined


There are so many who say “I love you” and sadly it sometimes seems we’ve lost our definition of the word as we speak it yet still turn against the Lord and one-another.  So, I was seeking a definition for it and this quote begged to be shared:

“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Psalm 94:18-19 NIV


3 Responses to Love Defined

  1. Love is forgiveness, 7 times, 7 times, x 7 time…! It is is sacrifice, laying down one’s life for another! It is sharing, and caring! It is lifting and healing without asking for anything in return. Its lending a helping hand, or an uplifting kind smile, a warm hug, it is a loving kiss from your spirit! Love heals all that ill’s one’s heart, soul, and spirit!


  2. P.S., and where there is pure love, there is never any hate in any way, shape or form! Delightful post my sister!
