At The Cross – Poetry Without Words

cross poetry without words

by Martha L Shaw – Copyright 4-23-2013

6 Responses to At The Cross – Poetry Without Words

  1. Beautiful, Martha!


  2. Reblogged this on Quilting, FiberArt & Painting and commented:

    A bit of digital art from my InLoveWithTheLord blog


  3. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    Love this! 🙂


    • Thank you! I’m giggling a little bit since this chatty writer and poet “wrote” a poem without words, but I do enjoy dabbling in visual art too and am considering using a couple of my own paintings to illustrate a poetry book I’m writing. Leap of faith in that I don’t wish to self publish and an editor, should the Lord provide one, may not want my own paintings, but hey . . . I am moving on ahead and He will chip away the parts that are not of Him resulting in something beautiful BECAUSE of His hand holding the brush and the pencil . . . love being His pencil!
