Giving Thanks – Two Days Early! A Praise Report!!!

November 20, 2012

Okay, I was going to save this for Thanksgiving, but like many of you, I will be cooking Thursday morning, and picking up last-minute things tomorrow and doing prep work, so here’s a praise report I’d love to share with all of you so that you may give thanks with me!

Many of you know I’m having procedures done to restore sight to my right eye, and to control an eye disease which causes improper blood flow and ruptures which can cause serious reductions in sight, pain, and obvious challenges in performing everyday tasks in the manner I’ve always done.  It is not entirely curable at this time, but there are treatments which can in some cases restore some lost sight and enable a return to “normal” life.  I’ve had mixed results and for months there’s been no measurable improvement and I’ve suffered from pain and poor vision.

On November 11th, as I went up to communion, one of my priests put his hand on my head and eyes and prayed for my healing.  Many people have been praying for me for some time including many of you though you may not have been aware of my situation aside from my provision challenge.  The eye disease has made seeking provision all the more difficult.   I’ve been battling this disease for over four years now.

By later that afternoon, November 11, I realized “wow, my pain’s gone.  Come to think of it, it hasn’t hurt since I left church.  Not a bit of pain.”  This past week, I began to notice that my brand new prescription reading glasses were not working as they had just a couple of weeks ago.  My reaction was “oh, no.  It’s getting worse.”  I admit, a tiny voice inside me said “next time I see my eye doctor, I need my prescription checked.  I need to know if  . . . ” but I didn’t pay it much mind.  Suddenly, early last week, I realized a very surprising thing.  I’d been, off and on, mistakenly wearing a pair of old over-the-counter readers which were a very low “strength” and could see better with them.

I hate to admit it, but the pieces of the puzzle still hadn’t come together until I went to church Sunday.  As I held our hymnal in my hands I realized that I could see the words and notes better with no glasses on then I had with any corrective eye wear in a long time.  As I went to communion, a stirring in my soul happened as Fr Chris approached me with communion, I detected a hesitation in him but he didn’t stop to pray for me this time.

I found out later that he’s silently seeked the Lord’s guidance about prayer for healing and the Lord said “I’ve done what I have done.”  Friends, healing comes in all sorts of ways.  Sometimes in an instant and sometime in a way entirely different from what we asked, and at other times gradually.  This week I have realized my sight, still far from perfect, is dramatically better than it’s been in a very long time!

I don’t know what the Lord’s ultimate plan is in the big picture, but I have no pain after weeks of steady pain in my diseased right eye and my vision is for certain stronger.  My left eye is “legally blind” since birth, so I have wrestled with a lot of fear on this for some time now.  In the last few days now I find I keep picking things up to read them because I can!  I’ve been a “bookworm” my entire life, but in the last 4 years I’ve had to try not to be since it was so difficult.  This week, it’s hard to focus on practical things because I can see better, folks!  I truly can!  I’ve been concerned about my ability to work and earn a living and not simply due to the economy, but due to my sight. I am not afraid.  As I close, I want to share with you a scripture passage which the Lord placed on my heart 8 years ago in a time of challenge and which He has placed in my path steadily since that time.  Please rejoice with me, continue to pray for this weak and flawed human who loves her Lord so much, and believe!

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.